EIC Indian Recruitment 2015 for 49 Vacancies "Export Inspection Council of India Vacancy 2015"

EIC Indian Recruitment 2015
EIC Indian Recruitment 2015 - Export Inspection Council of India Vacancy 2015 - EIC Indian (Export Inspection Council of India) is recruiting online application for 49 Vacancies of Clerks and Various posts.
You can see the details like Max Age, Qualification, Pay Scale of the recruitment below:-   

EIC Indian Recruitment Details:

Name of Posts No.of Posts Qualification Pay Scale Age Limit
Assistant Director 1 Degree or equivalent Rs. 15600- 39100/- + GP 5400/- 25-35 yrs
Assistant Director (Tech.) 10 Degree in Engg./ technology or post graduate in Science or its equivalent Same as above Same as above
Laboratory Attendant 3 Pass in Middle School Rs. 5200- 20200/- + GP 1800/- 18-25 yrs
Clerk/LDC 2 High School or equivalent with typing speed 30 wpm in Hindi or English Rs. 5200- 20200/- + GP 1900/- Same as above
Laboratory Assistant Grade-II 2 High school or its equivalent with science subject Same as above Same as above
Senior Laboratory Attendant 2 Same as above Same as above Same as above
Clerk 6 High School or equivalent with typing speed 30 wpm in Hindi or English Rs. 5200- 20200/- + GP 2400/- 20-30 yrs
Jr. Hindi Translator 2 Degree with Hindi or equivalent Same as above Same as above
Laboratory Assistant Grade-I 2 High school or its equivalent with science subject Same as above Same as above
Stenographer Grade-II 3 Degree or equivalent with shorthand speed 120 wpm and typing 40 wpm in Hindi or English Same as above 18-25 yrs
Store Keeper Grade-II 2 High School in Science or equivalent Same as above Same as above
Care Taker Grade-I 2 High School or its equivalent Rs. 9300- 34800/- + GP 4200/- 20-30 yrs
Junior Scientific Assistant 1 Degree in Engg./ Technology; Degree in Science or Diploma in Engg./technology or equivalent Same as above Same as above
Stenographer Grade-I 1 Degree or equivalent with shorthand speed 120 wpm and typing 40 wpm in Hindi or English Same as above Same as above
Technical Officer 2 Degree in Engg./Technology/ Degree in Scinece or equivalent Same as above 25-35 yrs
Accounts Officer 1 Degree or equivalent Rs. 9300- 34800/- + GP 4600/- Same as above
Section Officer 2 Same as above Same as above Same as above
Accountant 2 Degree in Commerce or equivalent Rs. 9300- 34800/-+ GP 4200/- 20-30 yrs
Officer Assistant 3 Degree or equivalent Same as above Same as above
Mode of Selection: will be made on the basis of performance in personal interview
Closing date for submission of Online Application: 18/May/2015
Last date for receipt of printout of application form: 25/May/2015
Application Fee: Rs. 500/- to be paid in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of Director, Export Inspection Council of India payable at New Delhi.

How to Apply at EIC Indian

Apply online at: http://recruitment.eiconline.in/jobopenings.aspx


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